Years of Legal experience
1 Million+
People empowered through Legal Literacy workshops across India.
1 Lac+
Employees Sensitised
7.2 Lac+
Children, Teachers, Parents, Support staff empowered
1.8 Lac+
Distressed women, Survivors of domestic abuse, acid attack, sexual harrasment , sexual abuse and LGBTQI community members
Training and Awareness Workshops Conducted
Championing Child Protection & Women's Rights Through Legal Expertise & Advocacy.
Advocate Namrata Mishra is dedicated to the prevention of all forms of child abuse and the promotion and advancement of women's rights. Formerly a corporate lawyer in Mumbai and the USA, she has conducted nationwide awareness programs and collaborated with various government departments, NGOs, and even the armed forces to impart legal literacy on POCSO law sensitization and PoSH awareness PAN India.

Child Rights Protection (POCSO) And PoSH E-Training & Compliance Services
Expert-Led Courses For Child Protection And PoSH For Schools, Corporates, and Individuals.

Duration: 1 Hour
Personal Safety Education (PSE) for Students of Grades 5-8
Online Certificate Course/Onsite Training
Empower Children to Recognize and Prevent Abuse Learn, Recognize and Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Duration: 1.5 Hours
Personal Safety Education (9-12)
Online Certificate Course/Onsite Training
Personal Safety Training for Today's Teens

Duration: 3 Hours
POCSO For Educators
Online Certificate Course/Onsite Training
Equip yourself and your team with essential,POCSO training to create a secure learning environment.

Duration: 1 Hour
POCSO for School Staff
Online Certificate Course/Onsite Training
Equip your school support staff with the knowledge and skills to ensure a safe environment and comply with POCSO regulations.

Duration: 1 Hour
Online Certificate Course/Onsite Training
What Makes Our Online Courses Special?

Expert Instructor

Flexible Online Courses

Engaging And Interactive Content

Real-World Simulation And Case Studies

Self Paced Interactive Learning

Effective And Everlasting

Easy & Affordable


Our Clients

Awards & Recognitions
- REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra Award (Silver) instituted by United Nation(2023)
- Ashiana Shree Award by Ashiana Mahila Samiti (2023)
- Nation Builder Award by Rotary Club International (2023)
- Outstanding Youth in Business & Social Welfare Award by Karya Kares (2022)
- Outstanding Community Champion Award by District Crime Control Council, Lucknow (2022)
- Naari Shakti Award by Kalyanam Foundation (2022)
- Naayika Award by Mothers Foundation (2022)
- REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra Award (Bronze) instituted by United Nations (2019)
- Sheher Ki Devi Award by All Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) community (2019)
- 1090 Women Powerline Counsellor, UNICEF & Uttar Pradesh State Govt. (2023)
- 1090 Women Powerline Counsellor, UNICEF & Uttar Pradesh State Govt. (2021)
- Appreciation from Senior Superintendent of Police, Agra for recommending use of POCSO Postal Boxes in schools during CHHAON Campaign (2018)
- Letters of appreciation from institutes and government departments for conducting impactful legal literacy workshops
- Contributed chapter titled "Journey from Ignorance to Acceptance of Child Sexual Abuse in India" in book "Global Reflections on Childrens Rights and the Law" by Routledge (2021)
- Research papers presented at United Nations collaborated events
- Articles published on International Bar Association (IBA) website & books
- Articles published in Times of India on women and child rights issues
Frequently Asked Questions
- Review and Assessment of Child Protection Policies (CPP): We begin with an in-depth review of the institution’s existing policies to determine if they align with POCSO Act requirements.
- Drafting of bespoke CPP, if required: Establishing a comprehensive and inclusive child protection policy is the first vital step for any educational institution to ensure compliance with the POCSO Act. This policy outlines clear procedures for addressing issues related to student behavior and conduct, as well as safeguarding students from any potential harm.
- Evaluation of Staff and Support Staff: As SMEs and external service providers, we assist school authorities to assess staff behavior records, school child safety practices, identify gaps in such safety, and recommend improvements and actionable steps.
- Live Awareness Sessions by expert legal professionals: Our specialized online courses and live training sessions for educators, school admins, school counselors, school leaders, support staff, and members of Child Protection Committees are conducted in-person or online by renowned legal experts on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act. The training covers critical topics related to child safety, rights, and protections under the POCSO Act, aiming to sensitize students, staff, and parents about identifying and recognizing unsafe behaviors, grievance redressal mechanisms, reporting mechanisms, and preventive measures.
- Age-appropriate Sensitization Onsite/Online Training of Students: Our specialized training sessions, conducted by renowned legal experts, are tailored to the developmental and cognitive levels of the children or adolescents involved, ensuring that the information is both fathomable and relevant to them.
- Review of Reporting and Response Mechanisms: We help our clients understand and decipher all the nuances of this POCSO law, including reporting and redressal mechanisms.
- Inspection of Physical and Digital Safety Measures: We assess both the physical and digital environments within the institution to identify any potential risks.
- Intervention and Support Services: Our timely intervention, guidance, and advice have been instrumental in saving many abused children. We provide counseling support, protection, and assist throughout the justice dispensation system.
- Comprehensive Reporting and Recommendations: We deliver a detailed report with findings and recommendations tailored to improve the institution's protective measures.
- Ongoing Support and Compliance Check-Ins: We provide assistance and guidance pertaining to specific queries and concerns. Our tools and study materials are customized to highlight and curate a safe and secure learning atmosphere for children enrolled in our clients’ educational institutions.
- Drafting POSH Policy: Establishing a comprehensive and inclusive POSH policy is the first essential step for any organization to address and prevent sexual harassment at the workplace in compliance with the POSH Act. A POSH policy creates a safe and respectful work environment by outlining clear guidelines for preventing and addressing sexual harassment.
- Internal Committee Formation: The POSH Act specifies the manner of constitution of Internal Committees. The formation of ICs must align with other relevant and existing laws.
- External Member Appointment: As per Section 4(2)(c) of the POSH Act, appointment of one external member from NGOs or associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with issues of sexual harassment of women is mandatory.
- Filing of POSH Annual Report: We provide comprehensive support for organizations in managing their POSH compliance needs, including expert guidance in drafting and submitting annual POSH reports, conducting regular awareness training sessions, facilitating periodic Internal Committee meetings, and upholding strict confidentiality in complaint handling.
- Appeals Process Assistance: We support our clients throughout the POSH law appeal process by providing expert guidance, documentation assistance, and strategic advice. Our experienced team assists in drafting well-structured appeal documents, reviewing case materials, and ensuring compliance during the appeal process.